
The College offers students support and counselling and a variety of programs that build awareness and help them to make informed choices about their chosen paths.

Careers support

The extensive pathways program includes an annual Careers and Pathway Expo, career counselling, the Beacon Program and the Year 11 Aspirations program.

As a school offering the highly regarded Beacon program, students have access to an outstanding range of opportunities that foster vocational pathways. This special program inspires and motivates students in their studies and directs them to satisfying employment.

A key component of º£½ÇÉçÇø College is in helping students find and develop positive pathways to university and other tertiary studies and to future employment.

Work Experience

All students in year 10 are required to participate in a formal work experience program during the year.

Students are encouraged to find their own placement, if possible, in a field or industry suited to a career pathway that is of interest to them.

Students unable to find their own placement are provided with support from the Careers Co-ordinator and other staff.

Year 11 and 12 VCAL students are also required to undertake a formal work placement as part of their studies and they may be assisted by the Careers Co-ordinator or their VCAL teachers in gaining a suitable placement.

Career Expos

The college organises a college wide expo for all year 10 – 12 students in May of each year.

It provides students with the opportunity to gather information and resources from a wide range of industry and tertiary representatives who are present as well as hearing keynote presentations from personnel working in a variety of careers or industries.

Tertiary representatives are present from all of the major universities, local TAFE colleges, private colleges and registered training organisations.